Published: 20/05/2021
Ep 23 - Eyes on the Pies - Ben Hannah (Nosebleed, The Organworks)
EP 23: Ben Hannah - Eyes on the Pies.
Ladies and gentleman, Ben Hannah is a man with his fingers in many pies.
Adding grooves and grit to Leeds Punk rock n rollers, Nosebleed, polishing your turds as the production talent at The Organworks, throwing the renowned DIY shindig the Pie Race festival and doing, something, at Merch Stall
Inexplicably we managed to not mention Pie Race once during this session but I will not see the chance for puns go begging. Hopefully the gaping wound of that omission is salved by instead feauring Ben’s experiences with his arm down a blocked pub toilet.
Here at BoML we’re always a fan of ballsy moves so very much approve of Ben jacking the day job and pursuing his Producing calling. The testimony is starting to build up that he was right to do so as per this glowing testimony from the Bar Stool Preachers following a recording sesh in Blackpool with him
“I want to take a minute to sing the praises of Ben Hannah.
I’d met Ben a few times on the road, and always enjoyed his company. His band Nosebleed absolutely fucks and I always put their name forward to support BSP whenever I could. It was only the last year or so though that I started to take real notice of his production skills. As a relatively untrained musician, a lot of my critiquing of music comes from feel and direction, and practically all of Ben’s production work is lathered in vibe and so often, the aesthetics of the music were spot on (check out Casual Nausea’s latest album for a great example of that). I got lost in a little Ben Hannah rabbit hole for a while, and it’s one I’m glad I did.
I decided to go out on a limb and ask him to come and capture our ‘demos’, knowing full well it might be a bit ambitious to expect everything to come together. But Christ on a bike was it one of the best decisions I ever made. Especially when our other options were huge producers out of huge studios.
Ben is a great producer. Always keen to say yes, but still always keeping an eye on how egged the pudding is. He’s got a fantastic ear and a genuine enthusiasm for his work. Hilarious and creative, he was a fucking delight to be around, even on the 18 hour days we were pulling together. Even though he and I are very different people, this process reaffirmed for me that pure hard work and inspiration can lead to life affirming relationships and incredible output.
Ben, if you’re reading this, thank you so much my mate. I’ve got no idea what’s going to happen with this album yet, but thanks to your ability to translate the bands ideas and songs into audio gold, I’m sure it’s going to go far.
Full of love. 10/10, would bang.
Other notable work (to me anyway) includes “Demons” by Casual Nausea. Most intriguing, he’s been making waves on the Leeds pro wrestling scene by jazzing up the all-important walk on music. There’s absolutely no reason why he wouldn’t be able to tidy up your piece of shit thrashing so pick up that phone.
Another solid Leeds man, Ben’s dad, gets a mention, which is not as uncool as it sounds. I can indeed confirm that he does have a book called Big Ed’s which you can check out here
Nosebleed have been on ice like almost everything else during 2020. At the time of recording they almost had a band practice but i’ll let you have a listen to see how badly that went awry! They will come back blazing no doubt as they were seriously busy before the enforced lay off. The Police bothering vid where they drag around pretend dead bodies made of Motorhead T Shirts should be compulsory viewing and found here
Tunes in order:
Nosebleed - Time and Time Again
Nosebleed - Make Up Your mind
Acid Drop - Mary How We Tried
Nosebleed - Scratching Circles
Nosebleed - Kick Me When I’m Down.
Bane of My Life Podcast would be a sorry shitshow without the aid and charity of the following:
Mike Irving - web design and general nous. https://www.mike-irving.co.uk/
Producer Will - Rescuing the sound from my butchery https://www.pressuredropstudio.co.uk/
Ian T - Intro music, jingles
Matt Wray - Logo design https://bollingtonprintshop.co.uk/